Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Optional, cast, Type
import pygame.rect
import collections

import as app
import miniworlds.appearances.appearance as appearance
import miniworlds.appearances.costume as costume_mod
import miniworlds.appearances.costumes_manager as costumes_manager
import as world_mod
import miniworlds.base.dialogs as ask
import miniworlds.worlds.manager.sensor_manager as sensor_manager
import miniworlds.worlds.manager.position_manager as actor_position_manager
import as actor_inspection
import miniworlds.base.exceptions as exceptions

from miniworlds.base.exceptions import (

class Meta(type):
    Why do we need a metaclass:

    the token should be added to a world, after __init__, even
    if __init__ was overwritten.

    def __call__(
        cls, position: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0, 0), *args, **kwargs
        instance = type.__call__(cls, position, *args, **kwargs)  # create a new Token
        world_connector =
        return instance

[docs] class Actor(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite, metaclass=Meta): """Actors are objects on your world. Actors can move around the world and have sensors to detect other actors. The appearance of a actor is determined by its costume. Examples: Create a actor: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World() world.size = (100,60) Actor(position=(10, 10)) Output: .. image:: ../_images/actor1.png :width: 100px :alt: Create a actor Create a actor with an image: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100,60) actor = Actor((10, 10)) actor.add_costume("images/player.png") Output: .. image:: ../_images/actor2.png :width: 100px :alt: Create a Actor with image .. code-block:: python import miniworlds class MyActor(miniworlds.Actor): def on_setup(self): self.add_costume("images/player.png") world = World(100,60) my_actor = MyActor(position = (40,130)) Output: .. image:: ../_images/actor1.png :width: 100px :alt: Create a actor Create a Actor at current mouse position: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World() @world.register def act(self): Actor(self.get_mouse_position()) .. image:: ../_images/actor3.png :width: 100px :alt: Create a actor at mouse position See Also: * See: :doc:`Actor <../api/actor>` * See: :doc:`Shapes <../api/actor.shape>` * See: :doc:`TextActors and NumberActors <../api/actor.textactor>` """ actor_count: int = 0 class_image: str = "" def __init__( self, position: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0, 0), *args, **kwargs ): self._dirty = 0 # must be set before calling __init__ of DirtySprite. if "world" not in kwargs: self._world: "world_mod.World" = app.App.running_world else: = kwargs["world"] self._was_setup = False self._sensor_manager: "sensor_manager.SensorManager" = None self._position_manager: "actor_position_manager.Positionmanager" = None self._costume_manager: "costumes_manager.CostumesManager" = None super().__init__() self._validate_arguments(position, *args, **kwargs) self._collision_type: str = "mask" self.is_display_initialized: bool = False self._layer: int = 0 self._inner = 0 self._size = (0, 0) self._static = False self.children = pygame.sprite.LayeredDirty() self.actor_id: int = Actor.actor_count + 1 self._has_position_manager = False self._has_sensor_manager = False self._has_costume_manager = False self._is_acting: bool = True # is act method called? self._is_deleted = False self.is_focusable = False self.has_focus = False self._parent = None # For actors in container self.children: List["Actor"] = [] try: except AttributeError as e: print("error", e) raise AttributeError( "Actor could not be created on a World - Did you created a world instance before?" ) if not raise NoWorldError() pygame.sprite.DirtySprite.__init__(self) Actor.actor_count += 1 self.speed: int = 1 self.ask: "ask.Ask" = ask.Ask( self._dirty = 1 self.origin = kwargs.get("origin") if kwargs.get("origin") else "center" self._visible = True def _validate_arguments(self, position, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(position, tuple): raise exceptions.NoValidPositionOnInitException(self, position) @property def origin(self): return self.position_manager.origin @origin.setter def origin(self, value: str): self.position_manager.origin = value
[docs] def switch_origin(self, value: str): self.position_manager.switch_origin(value)
[docs] @classmethod def create_on_world(cls, world): """Creates a actor to a specific world overwritten in subclasses """ return cls((0, 0), world)
@property def collision_type(self) -> str: """collision_type specifies how collisions should be checked: * `default`: tile for Tiledworlds, 'mask' for Pixelworlds * `tile`: Are actors on the same tile? (only TiledWorld) * `rect`: Are actors colliding when checking their bounding - boxes? (Only PixelWorld) * `static-rect`: Are actors colliding when checking circle with radius = bounding-box-radius.(Only PixelWorld) * `circle`: Are actors colliding when checking circle with radius = bounding-box-radius.(Only PixelWorld) * `mask`: Are actors colliding when checking if their image masks are overlapping. """ if self._collision_type == "default": return "mask" else: return self._collision_type @collision_type.setter def collision_type(self, value: str): self._collision_type = value @property def is_blockable(self, value): """ A actor with the property ``is_blockable`` cannot move through actors with the property ``is_blocking``. """ self.position_manager.is_blockable = value @is_blockable.setter def is_blockable(self, value: bool): self.position_manager.is_blockable = value @property def is_blocking(self): """ A actor with the property ``is_blockable`` cannot move through actors with the property ``is_blocking``. """ return self.position_manager.is_blocking @is_blocking.setter def is_blocking(self, value: bool): self.position_manager.is_blocking = value @property def layer(self) -> int: """Defines the layer on which the actor is drawn if several actors overlap.""" return self._layer @layer.setter def layer(self, value: int): self._layer = value if self in self, value ) # changes layer in DirtySpriteGroup. @property def last_position(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Actor position in last frame Can be used to track changes. """ return self.position_manager.last_center @property def last_direction(self) -> int: return self.position_manager.last_direction
[docs] @classmethod def from_topleft(cls, topleft_position: Tuple[float, float], *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a actor with center at center_position Arg`s: center_position: Center of actor """ obj = cls(topleft_position, **kwargs) # temp position obj.origin = "topleft" return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_center(cls, center_position: Tuple[float, float], *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a actor with center at center_position Arg`s: center_position: Center of actor """ obj = cls(center_position, **kwargs) # temp position obj.origin = "center" return obj
@property def costume_count(self) -> int: """Returns number of costumes of actor, 0 if actor has no costume Examples: Add costume and count costumes .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World() actor = Actor() assert actor.costume_count == 0 actor.add_costume((255,0,0,0)) assert actor.costume_count == 1 Returns: int: _description_ """ return self.costume_manager.length() @property def is_flipped(self) -> bool: """ When a actor is mirrored, it is mirrored across the y-axis. You can use this property in 2D platformer games to change the direction of actor. .. note:: It may be necessary to set ``is_rotatable = True`` Examples: Flip a costume after 100 frames. .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World(100,100) actor = Actor() actor.add_costume("images/alien1.png") actor.height= 400 actor.width = 100 actor.is_rotatable = False @actor.register def act(self): if % 100 == 0: if self.is_flipped: self.is_flipped = False else: self.is_flipped = True Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=200> <source src="../_static/# It looks like the code `flip_alien` is not a valid Python # code. It seems to be a placeholder or a random string. If # you provide more context or details about what you are # trying to achieve, I can help you with the code. flip_alien.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Returns: True, if actor is flipped """ return self.costume.is_flipped @is_flipped.setter def is_flipped(self, value: bool): self.costume.is_flipped = value
[docs] def flip_x(self) -> int: """Flips the actor by 180° degrees. The costume is flipped and the actor's direction changed by 180 degrees. .. image:: ../_images/flip_x.png Examples: Flip a actor in Example .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world=TiledWorld() world.columns = 4 world.rows = 1 world.add_background("images/water.png") fish = Actor() fish.border = 1 fish.add_costume("images/fish.png") fish.direction = "right" fish.orientation = -90 @fish.register def act(self): self.move() @fish.register def on_not_detecting_world(self): self.move_back() self.flip_x() Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=200> <source src="../_static/flipthefish.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> """ return self.position_manager.flip_x()
[docs] def add_costume( self, source: Union[None, Tuple, str, List] = None ) -> "costume_mod.Costume": """Adds a new costume to actor. The costume can be switched with self.switch_costume(index) Args: source: Path to the first image of new costume or Tuple with color-value Examples: Add first costume from image: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World((100,60)) actor = Actor((10,10)) costume = actor.add_costume("images/player.png") Output: .. image:: ../_images/add_costume1.png :width: 100px :alt: Create Actor with image as costume Add first costume from color: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World((100,60)) actor = Actor((10,10)) costume = actor.add_costume((255,255,0)) Output: .. image:: ../_images/add_costume2.png :width: 100px :alt: Create Actor with image as costume Create two costumes and switch between costumes .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World((100,60)) actor = Actor((10,10)) world.speed = 30 costume1 = actor.add_costume((255,255,0)) costume2 = actor.add_costume((255,0,255)) @actor.register def act(self): if self.costume == costume1: self.switch_costume(costume2) else: self.switch_costume(costume1) Output: .. image:: ../_images/add_costume3.png :width: 100% :alt: Create multiple costumes and switch between costumes Returns: The new costume. """ if not source or type(source) in [str, tuple]: return self.costume_manager.add_new_appearance(source) elif isinstance(source, list): return cast( "costume_mod.Costume", self.costume_manager.add_new_appearance_from_list(source), ) else: raise MiniworldsError( f"Wrong type for appearance. Expected: list, tuple or str, got {type(source)}" )
[docs] def add_costumes(self, sources: list) -> "costume_mod.Costume": """Adds multiple costumes""" return self.costume_manager.add_new_appearances(sources)
[docs] def remove_costume(self, source: Union[int, "costume_mod.Costume"] = None): """Removes a costume from actor Args: source: The index of the new costume or costume-object. Defaults to actual costume """ if source is None: source = self.costume return self.costume_manager.remove_appearance(source)
[docs] def switch_costume( self, source: Union[int, "appearance.Appearance"] ) -> "costume_mod.Costume": """Switches the costume of actor Args: source: Number of costume or Costume object Examples: Switch a costume: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100,60) t = Actor() costume =t1.add_costume("images/1.png") t.add_costume("images/2.png") t.switch_costume(1) @timer(frames = 40) def switch(): t1.switch_costume(0) Returns: The new costume """ return self.costume_manager.switch_costume(source)
[docs] def set_costume(self, costume: Union[str, tuple, int, "appearance.Appearance"]): if isinstance(costume, int) or isinstance(costume, appearance.Appearance): self.switch_costume(costume) elif type(costume) in [str, tuple]: costume = self.add_costume(costume) self.switch_costume(costume)
[docs] def reset_costumes(self): self.costume_manager.reset()
[docs] def set_background_color(self, color: tuple): self.set_costume(color)
[docs] def next_costume(self): """Switches to the next costume of actor Returns: The new costume """ self.costume_manager.next_costume()
@property def costume(self) -> costume_mod.Costume: """Gets the costume of actor""" if hasattr(self, "costume_manager") and self.costume_manager is not None: return self.costume_manager.get_actual_appearance() @costume.setter def costume(self, value): self.costume_manager.appearance = value @property def costumes(self) -> "costumes_manager.CostumesManager": """Gets the costume manager The costume manager can be iterated to get all costumes """ return self.costume_manager @property def orientation(self) -> float: return self.costume.orientation @orientation.setter def orientation(self, value: float): value: float = self.position_manager.validate_direction(value) self.costume.orientation = value @property def direction(self) -> int: """Directions are handled exactly as in the Scratch programming language, see: `Scratch Wiki <>`_ The default direction is ``0°``. All actors are looking ``"up"`` .. image:: /_images/movement.jpg :width: 100% :alt: Move on world **Values for Direction** * ``0°`` or ``"up"``: up * ``90°`` or ``"right"``: Move right * ``-90°`` or ``"left"``: Move left * ``180°`` or ``"down"``: Move down * ``"forward"``: Current direction Sets direction of the actor. You can use an integer or a string to describe the direction Options * ``0``, ``"up"`` - Look up * ``90``, ``"right"``, - Look right * ``-90``, ``"left"``, - Look left * ``-180``, ``180``, ``"down"`` - Look down .. image:: ../_images/direction.png Examples: Move in a direction with WASD-Keys .. code-block:: python def on_key_down(self, keys): if "W" in keys: self.direction = "up" elif "S" in keys: self.direction = "down" elif "A" in keys: self.direction = "left" elif "D" in keys: self.direction = "right" self.move() Move 45°: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100, 100) c = Circle ((50,50), 10) @c.register def act(self): c.direction = 45 c.move() .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=400> <source src="../_static/move45.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Move -45°: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100, 100) c = Circle ((50,50), 10) @c.register def act(self): c.direction = -45 c.move() .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=400> <source src="../_static/moveminus45.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> """ return self.position_manager.get_direction() @direction.setter def direction(self, value: int): self.position_manager.set_direction(value) @property def direction_at_unit_circle(self) -> int: """Gets the direction as value in unit circle (0° right, 90° top, 180° left...)""" return self.position_manager.dir_to_unit_circle(self.direction) @direction_at_unit_circle.setter def direction_at_unit_circle(self, value: int): """Sets the direction from unit circle Args: value: An angle in the unit circle, e.g. 0°: right, 90° top, ... """ self.direction = self.position_manager.unit_circle_to_dir(value) @property def dirty(self) -> int: """If actor is dirty, it will be repainted. Returns: int: 1 if actor is dirty/0 otherwise """ return self._dirty @dirty.setter def dirty(self, value: int): if ( self.position_manager and and and and value == 1 ): self._dirty = 1 elif value == 0: self._dirty = 0 else: pass
[docs] def turn_left(self, degrees: int = 90) -> int: """Turns actor by *degrees* degrees left .. image:: ../_images/turn_left.png Options: * You can set the value actor.is_rotatable = False if you don't want the actor to be rotated. Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100, 100) t = Actor() t.add_costume("images/arrow.png") t.size = (100,100) @t.register def act(self): t.turn_left(1) Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=400> <source src="../_static/turnleft.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Args: degrees: degrees in left direction Returns: New direction """ return self.position_manager.turn_left(degrees)
[docs] def turn_right(self, degrees: Union[int, float] = 90): """Turns actor by *degrees* degrees right .. image:: ../_images/turn_right.png Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(100, 100) t = Actor() t.add_costume("images/arrow.png") t.size = (100,100) @t.register def act(self): t.turn_left(1) Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=400> <source src="../_static/turnright.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Options: * You can set the value actor.is_rotatable = False if you don't want the actor to be rotated. Args: degrees: degrees in left direction Returns: New direction """ return self.position_manager.turn_right(degrees)
[docs] def set_direction(self, direction: Union[str, int, float]) -> float: """Actor points in given direction. You can use a integer or a string to describe the direction Args: The direction as integer or string (see options) Options * ``0``, ``"up"`` - Look up * ``90``, ``"right"``, - Look right * ``-90``, ``"left"``, - Look left * ``-180``, ``180``, ``"down"`` - Look down .. image:: ../_images/direction.png Examples: Move in a direction with WASD-Keys .. code-block:: python def on_key_down(self, keys): if "W" in keys: self.direction = "up" elif "S" in keys: self.direction = "down" elif "A" in keys: self.direction = "left" elif "D" in keys: self.direction = "right" self.move() """ return self.position_manager.set_direction(direction)
[docs] def point_towards_position( self, destination: Tuple[float, float] ) -> Union[int, float]: """ Actor points towards a given position Args: destination: The position to which the actor should pointing Returns: The new direction Examples: Point towards mouse_position: .. code-block:: python def act(self): mouse = if mouse: self.point_towards_position(mouse) self.move() """ return self.position_manager.point_towards_position(destination)
[docs] def point_towards_actor(self, other: "Actor") -> int: """Actor points towards another actor. Args: other: The other actor Returns: The new direction """ pos = other.position_manager.get_global_rect().center return self.point_towards_position(pos)
@property def size(self) -> tuple: """Size of the actor""" return self.position_manager.get_size() @size.setter def size(self, value: tuple): self.set_size(value)
[docs] def set_size(self, value: tuple): self.position_manager.set_size(value)
@property def width(self): """The width of the actor in pixels. When the width of a actor is changed, the height is scaled proportionally. Examples: Create a actor and scale width/height proportionally: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(800,400) def create_actor(x, y): t = Actor() t.position = (x, y) t.add_costume("images/alien1.png") t.border = 1 return t t0 = create_actor(0,0) t1 = create_actor(50,0) t1.height = 400 t2 = create_actor(300,0) t2.width = 180 .. image:: ../_images/widthheight.png :alt: Textured image """ return self.position_manager.get_size()[0] @width.setter def width(self, value): self.position_manager.set_width(value) self.on_shape_change()
[docs] def scale_width(self, value): old_width = self.size[0] old_height = self.size[1] scale_factor = value / old_width self.size = (value, old_height * scale_factor)
@property def height(self): """The height of the actor in pixels. When the height of a actor is changed, the width is scaled proportionally. Examples: Create a actor and scale width/height proportionally: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(800,400) def create_actor(x, y): t = Actor() t.position = (x, y) t.add_costume("images/alien1.png") t.border = 1 return t t0 = create_actor(0,0) t1 = create_actor(50,0) t1.height = 400 t2 = create_actor(300,0) t2.width = 180 .. image:: ../_images/widthheight.png :alt: Textured image """ return self.position_manager.get_size()[1] @height.setter def height(self, value): self.position_manager.set_height(value) self.on_shape_change()
[docs] def scale_height(self, value): old_width = self.size[0] old_height = self.size[1] scale_factor = value / old_height self.size = (old_width * scale_factor, value)
@property def x(self) -> float: """The x-value of a actor""" return self.position_manager.get_position()[0] @x.setter def x(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_position((value, self.y)) @property def y(self) -> float: """The y-value of a actor""" return self.position_manager.get_position()[1] @y.setter def y(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_position((self.x, value)) @property def class_name(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ @property def topleft_x(self) -> float: """x-value of actor topleft-position""" return self.get_global_rect().get_topleft()[0] @property def topleft_y(self) -> float: """x-value of actor topleft-position""" return self.position_manager.get_topleft()[1] @topleft_x.setter def topleft_x(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_topleft((value, self.topleft_x)) @topleft_y.setter def topleft_y(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_topleft((self.topleft_y, value)) @property def topleft(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.position_manager.get_topleft() @topleft.setter def topleft(self, value: Tuple[float, float]): self.position_manager.set_topleft(value) @property def local_center(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """x-value of actor center-position inside the current camera-screen""" return self.position_manager.local_center @property def center_x(self) -> float: """x-value of actor center-position""" return self.position_manager.get_center()[0] @center_x.setter def center_x(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_center((value, self.center_y)) @property def center_y(self) -> float: """y-value of actor center-position""" return self.position_manager.get_center()[1] @center_y.setter def center_y(self, value: float): self.position_manager.set_center((self.center_x, value)) @property def center(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.position_manager.get_center() @center.setter def center(self, value: Tuple[float, float]): self.position_manager.set_center(value)
[docs] def move(self, distance: int = 0): """Moves actor *distance* steps in current direction .. image:: ../_images/move.png Args: distance: Number of steps to move. If distance = 0, the actor speed will be used. Returns: The moved actor Examples: if actor is on the world, move forward: .. code-block:: python class Robot(Actor): def act(self): if self.detecting_world(): self.move() """ return self.position_manager.move(distance)
[docs] def move_vector(self, vector): """Moves actor in direction defined by the vector Returns: The moved actor """ return self.position_manager.move_vector(vector)
[docs] def move_up(self, distance: int = 1): return self.position_manager.move_in_direction("up", distance)
[docs] def move_down(self, distance: int = 1): return self.position_manager.move_in_direction("down", distance)
[docs] def move_left(self, distance: int = 1): return self.position_manager.move_in_direction("left", distance)
[docs] def move_right(self, distance: int = 1): return self.position_manager.move_in_direction("right", distance)
[docs] def move_back(self, distance): """ """ return self.position_manager.move(-distance)
[docs] def undo_move(self): """Undo the last move. Moves the actor to the last position and resets direction. .. image:: ../_images/move_back.png Returns: The moved actor Examples: move_back when field is blocked: .. code-block:: python def on_detecting_wall(self, wall): self.undo_move() """ return self.position_manager.undo_move()
[docs] def move_towards(self, target: Union[Tuple[float, float], "Actor"]): if isinstance(target, Actor): target = target.position return self.position_manager.move_towards_position(target)
[docs] def move_in_direction( self, direction: Union[int, str, Tuple[float, float]], distance=1, ): """Moves actor *distance* steps into a *direction* or towards a position .. image:: ../_images/move_in_direction.png Options * 0, "up" - Look up * 90, "right", - Look right * -90, "left", - Look left * -180, 180, "down" - Look down .. image:: ../_images/direction.png Args: direction: Direction as angle distance: Detects obj "distance" steps in front of current actor. Returns: The actor itself """ if type(direction) in [int, str]: return self.position_manager.move_in_direction(direction, distance) elif type(direction) == tuple: return self.position_manager.move_towards_position(direction, distance) else: raise MiniworldsError( f"Expected direction or position, got f{type(direction)}, ({direction})" )
[docs] def move_to(self, position: Tuple[float, float]): """Moves actor *distance* to a specific world_posiition Args: position: The position to which the actor should move. The position can be a 2-tuple (x, y) which will be converted to a world_position .. image:: ../_images/move_to.png Returns: The actor itself Examples: move to (3, 2) on mouse_click .. code-block:: python def on_clicked_left(self, position): self.move_to((3,2)) """ return self.position_manager.move_to(position)
[docs] def remove(self, kill=True) -> collections.defaultdict: """ Removes this actor from world Examples: Removes robots in : .. code-block:: python def act(self): self.move() other = self.detecting_actor(distance = 0, actor_type=Robot) if other: explosion = Explosion(position=self.position) self.remove() other.remove() """ = kill)
[docs] def before_remove(self): pass
@property def is_rotatable(self) -> bool: """Defines if the costume of a actor should be rotatable. The actor can still be rotated with the ``direction`` property, but its costume won't be changed .. note:: You can also use ``actor.costume.is_rotatable`` Examples: Create a rotatable and a not rotatable actor .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World() t1 = Actor((100,100)) t1.add_costume("images/alien1.png") t2 = Actor((200,200)) t2.add_costume("images/alien1.png") t2.is_rotatable = False @t1.register def act(self): self.move() self.direction += 1 @t2.register def act(self): self.move() self.direction += 1 Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=400> <source src="../_static/rotatable.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> """ return self.costume.is_rotatable @is_rotatable.setter def is_rotatable(self, value: bool): self.costume.is_rotatable = value
[docs] def bounce_from_border(self, borders: List[str]) -> Actor: """The actor "bounces" from a border. The direction is set according to the principle input angle = output angle. .. note:: You must check for borders first! Args: borders: A list of borders as strings e.g. ["left", "right"] Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * import random world = World(150, 150) actor = Actor((50,50)) actor.add_costume("images/ball.png") actor.direction = 10 @actor.register def act(self): self.move() borders = self.detecting_borders() if borders: self.bounce_from_border(borders) Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=240> <source src="../_static/bouncing_ball.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Returns: The actor """ return self.position_manager.bounce_from_border(borders)
[docs] def detect_all( self, actors: Union[str, "Actor", Type["Actor"]] = None, direction: int = 0, distance: int = 0, ) -> List["Actor"]: """Detects if actors are on actor position. Returns a list of actors. .. image:: ../_images/detecting_actors.png Args: actors: filter by actor type. Enter a class_name of actors to look for here direction: The direction in which actors should be detected. distance: The distance in which actors should be detected (Start-Point is Returns: All actors found by Sensor """ if distance == 0: # => search for actors at current position return self.sensor_manager.detect_actors(actors) else: # distance and direction are != 0 # => search for actor in distance/direction. return self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at(actors, direction, distance)
[docs] def detect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union["Actor", None]: """Detects if actors are on actor position. Returns the first found actor. .. image:: ../_images/detecting_actor.png Args: actors: filter by actor type. Enter a class_name of actors to look for heredirection: int = 0, distance: int = 0 direction: The direction in which actors should be detected. distance: The distance in which actors should be detected (Start-Point is Returns: First actor found by Sensor Examples: The green robot pushes the yellow robot: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = TiledWorld(8,3) actor = Actor((1,1)) actor.add_costume("images/robo_green.png") actor.orientation = -90 actor.direction = 90 actor2 = Actor((4,1)) actor2.add_costume("images/robo_yellow.png") actor2.orientation = -90 actor2.direction = -90 @actor.register def act(self): self.move() actor = self.detecting_actor() if actor: actor.move_right() Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=240> <source src="../_static/pushing.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> """ if not args: actors = kwargs.pop("filter") if "filter" in kwargs else None distance = kwargs.pop("distance") if "distance" in kwargs else None direction = kwargs.pop("direction") if "direction" in kwargs else self.direction else: actors = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None distance = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else None direction = args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else self.direction if not distance: return self.sensor_manager.detect_actor(filter=actors) else: return self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at( filter=actors, direction=direction, distance=distance )
[docs] def detect_borders( self, distance: int = 0, ) -> List: """ Detects borders .. image:: ../_images/detecting_borders.png Args: distance: Specifies the distance in front of the actuator to which the sensors reacts. Returns: True if border was found. """ return self.sensor_manager.detect_borders(distance)
[docs] def detect_left_border(self) -> bool: """Does the actor touch the left border? Returns: True if border was found. """ return "left" in self.sensor_manager.detect_borders(0)
[docs] def detect_right_border(self) -> bool: """Does the actor touch the right border? Returns: True if border was found. """ return "right" in self.sensor_manager.detect_borders(0)
[docs] def detect_top_border(self) -> bool: """Does the actor touch the lower border? Returns: True if border was found. """ return "top" in self.sensor_manager.detect_borders(0)
[docs] def detecting_bottom_border(self) -> bool: """Does the actor touch the lower border? Returns: True if border was found. """ return "bottom" in self.sensor_manager.detect_borders(0)
[docs] def detect_color(self, color: Tuple = None) -> bool: """Detects colors in world-background at actor center-position Args: color: color as tuple Returns: True, if color was found """ color = self.sensor_manager.detect_color( color, ) return color
[docs] def detect_color_at( self, direction: int = None, distance: int = 0 ) -> Union[Tuple, List]: """Detects colors in world-background at actor-position Args: direction: Specifies the direction where the sensors is searching. distance: Specifies the distance in front of the actuator to which the sensors reacts. Returns: All colors found by Sensor """ color = self.sensor_manager.detect_color_at(direction, distance) return color
[docs] def detect_actors_at(self, direction=None, distance=0, actors=None) -> list: """Detects a actor in given direction and distance. Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World() wall=Rectangle((200,0)) wall.size = (20, 400) for i in range(7): actor = Circle((10,i*60 + 20)) actor.range = i * 10 @actor.register def act(self): if not self.detect_actors_at(self.direction, self.range): self.direction = "right" self.move() :param direction: The direction in which actors should be detected. :param distance: The distance in which actors should be detected (Start-Point is :return: A list of actors """ return self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at(actors, direction, distance)
[docs] def detect_actor_at(self, direction=None, distance=0, actors=None) -> "Actor": found_actors = self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at(actors, direction, distance) if found_actors: return found_actors[0]
[docs] def detect_actors_in_front( self, actors=None, distance=1, ) -> list: return self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at(actors, self.direction, distance)
[docs] def detect_actor_in_front( self, actors=None, distance=1, ) -> "Actor": found_actors = self.sensor_manager.detect_actors_at( actors, self.direction, distance ) if found_actors: return found_actors[0]
[docs] def detect_point(self, position: Tuple[float, float]) -> bool: """Is the actor colliding with a specific (global) point? Warning: If your want to check if an actor detects a specific pixel, use detect_pixel Returns: True if point is below actor """ return self.sensor_manager.detect_point(position)
[docs] def detect_pixel(self, position: Tuple[float, float]) -> bool: """Is the actor colliding with a pixel? Returns: True if pixel is below actor """ return self.sensor_manager.detect_pixel(position)
[docs] def detect_rect(self, rect: Union[Tuple, pygame.rect.Rect]): """Is the actor colliding with a static rect?""" return self.sensor_manager.detect_rect(rect)
[docs] def detect_world(self): """Is the actor colliding with a static rect?""" return self.sensor_manager.detect_rect(
[docs] def bounce_from_actor(self, other: "Actor"): self.position_manager.bounce_from_actor(other)
[docs] def animate(self, speed: int = 10): self.costume_manager.animate(speed)
[docs] def animate_costume(self, costume: "costume_mod.Costume", speed: int = 10): self.costume_manager.animate_costume(costume, speed)
[docs] def animate_loop(self, speed: int = 10): """Animates a costume with a looping animation Switches through all costume-images every ``speed``-frame. Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(columns=280, rows=100) robo = Actor(position=(0, 0)) robo.costume.add_images(["images/1.png", "images/2.png","images/3.png","images/4.png"]) robo.size = (99, 99) robo.animate_loop() Args: speed (int, optional): Every ``speed`` frame, the image is switched. Defaults to 10. """ self.costume.loop = True self.costume_manager.animate(speed)
[docs] def stop_animation(self): """Stops current animation. Costume ``is_animated`` is set to False Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(columns=280, rows=100) robo = Actor(position=(0, 0)) robo.costume.add_images(["images/1.png", "images/2.png","images/3.png","images/4.png"]) robo.size = (99, 99) robo.animate_loop() @timer(frames = 100) def stop(): robo.stop_animation() """ self.costume.is_animated = False
[docs] def send_message(self, message: str): """Sends a message to world. The message can be received with the ``on_message``-event Examples: Send and receive messages: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World() actor1 = Actor((2, 2)) actor1.add_costume((100,0,100,100)) @actor1.register def on_message(self, message): print("Received message:" + message) actor2 = Actor((100,100)) actor2.send_message("Hello from actor2") @actor2.register def on_key_down_s(self): self.send_message("Hello") Args: message (str): A string containing the message. """"message", message)
[docs] def on_key_down(self, key: list): """**on_key_down** is called one time when a key is pressed down. .. note:: Instead of **on_key_down** you can use **on_key_down_letter**, e.g. **on_key_down_a** or **on_key_down_w** , if you want to handle an on_key_down event for a specific letter. Examples: Register a key_down event: .. code-block:: actor1 = miniworlds.Actor(position = (2, 2) ) actor1.add_costume((100,0,100,100)) @actor1.register def on_key_down(self, key): print(key) Register on_key_down_a event .. code-block:: actor1 = miniworlds.Actor(position = (2, 2) ) actor1.add_costume((100,0,100,100)) @actor1.register def on_key_down_a(self): print("a") Args: key (list): The typed key as list (e.g. ['A', 'a']) containing both uppercase and lowercase of typed letter. Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_key_down)
[docs] def on_key_pressed(self, key: list): """**on_key_pressed** is called when while key is pressed. If you hold the key, on_key_pressed is repeatedly called again and again until the key is released. .. note:: Like `on_key_down` the method can be called in the variant `on_key_pressed_[letter]` (e.g. `on_key_pressed_w(self)`). Examples: Register on_key_pressed event: .. code-block:: actor1 = miniworlds.Actor(position = (2, 2) ) actor1.add_costume((100,0,100,100)) @actor1.register def on_key_pressed(self, key): print("pressed", key) @actor1.register def on_key_pressed_s(self): print("pressed s") Args: key (list): The typed key as list (e.g. ['C', 'c', 'D', 'd']) containing both uppercase and lowercase of typed letter. Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_key_pressed)
[docs] def on_key_up(self, key): raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_key_up)
[docs] def on_mouse_over(self, position): """on_mouse_over is called, when mouse is moved over actor :param position: The mouse position """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_over)
[docs] def on_mouse_leave(self, position): """on_mouse_over is called, when mouse is moved over actor :param position: The mouse position """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_over)
[docs] def on_mouse_left(self, position: tuple): """on_mouse_left is called when left mouse button was pressed. You must *register* or *implement* this method as an event. .. note:: The event is triggered, when mouse-left was clicked, even when the current mouse position is not related to actor position. You can use :py:meth:`Actor.detect_pixel` to check, if the mouse_position is *inside* the actor. Examples: A circle will be moved, if you click on circle. .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World(120,40) circle = Circle((20, 20)) circle.direction = 90 @circle.register def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): if self.detect_pixel(mouse_pos): self.move() Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_left)
[docs] def on_mouse_right(self, position: tuple): """Method is called when right mouse button was pressed. You must *register* or *implement* this method as an event. .. note:: The event is triggered, when mouse was clicked,even when the current mouse position is not related to actor position. You can use :py:meth:`Actor.detect_pixel` to check, if the mouse_position is *inside* the actor. Examples: See: :py:meth:`Actor.on_mouse_left`. Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_right)
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, position: tuple): """Method is called when mouse moves. You must *register* or *implement* this method as an event. .. note:: The event is triggered, when mouse is moved, even when the current mouse position is not related to actor position. You can use :py:meth:`Actor.detect_pixel` to check, if the mouse_position is *inside* the actor. Examples: A circle will be moved, if you click on circle. .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World(120,40) circle = Circle((20, 20)) circle.direction = 90 @circle.register def on_mouse_motion(self, mouse_pos): if self.detect_pixel(mouse_pos): self.move() Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_motion)
[docs] def on_mouse_left_released(self, position: tuple): """Method is called when left mouse key is released. Examples: You can use on_mouse_left_release to implement a drag_and_drop event .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World(200, 200) circle = Circle((30, 30), 60) circle.direction = 90 circle.dragged = False @circle.register def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): if self.detect_pixel(mouse_pos): self.dragged = True @circle.register def on_mouse_left_released(self, mouse_pos): if not world.is_mouse_pressed(): self.dragged = False = mouse_pos Output: .. raw:: html <video loop autoplay muted width=200> <source src="../_static/draganddrop.webm" type="video/webm"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_left_released)
[docs] def on_mouse_right_released(self, position: tuple): """Method is called when right mouse key is released. See :py:meth:`Actor.on_mouse_left_released`. Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_mouse_right_released)
[docs] def on_clicked_left(self, position: tuple): """The mouse is on top of a actor and mouse was clicked. Examples: Registering a on_click event: .. code-block:: actor = miniworlds.Actor((2,2)) @actor.register def on_clicked_left(self, position): print("clicked" + str(position)) Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_clicked_left)
[docs] def on_clicked_right(self, position): """The mouse is on top of a actor and mouse was clicked. Examples: Registering a on_click event: .. code-block:: actor = miniworlds.Actor((2,2)) @actor.register def on_clicked_right(self, position): print("clicked" + str(position)) Args: position (tuple): Actual mouse position as tuple (x,y) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_clicked_right)
[docs] def on_detecting_world(self): """`on_detecting_world` is called, when actor is on the world Examples: Register on_detecting_world method: .. code-block:: @player.register def on_detecting_world(self): print("Player 3: I'm on the world:") Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_detecting_world)
[docs] def on_not_detecting_world(self): """`on_detecting_world` is called, when actor is on the world Examples: Register on_detecting_world method: .. code-block:: @player.register def on_detecting_world(self): print("Player 3: I'm on the world:") Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_detecting_world)
[docs] def on_detecting_actor(self, actor: "Actor"): """*on_detect_actor* is called, when actor is detects a actor on same position Args: actor (Actor): The found actor Examples: Register detect_actor event .. code-block:: @player.register def on_detect_actor(self, actor): print("Player 1: detecting actor:") if actor == player2: print("Am i detecting player2?" + str(actor == player2)) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_detecting_actor)
[docs] def on_detecting_borders(self, borders: List[str]): """*on_detecting_border* is called, when actor is near a border Args: borders (List): A list of strings with found borders, e.g.: ['left', 'top'] Examples: Register on_detecting_border_event: .. code-block:: @player.register def on_detecting_borders(self, borders): print("Player 4: detecting borders:") print("Borders are here!", str(borders)) Raises: NotImplementedOrRegisteredError: The error is raised when method is not overwritten or registered. """ raise NotImplementedOrRegisteredError(self.on_detecting_borders)
@property def static(self): """Should actor react to events? You can turn this option off for additional performance boost. """ return self._static @static.setter def static(self, value): _world_connector = _world_connector.set_static(value) @property def fill_color(self): """The fill color of actor as rgba value, e.g. (255, 0, 0) for red. When ``fill_color`` is set to a color, the attribute ``is_filled`` of costume (See: :py:attr:.appearances.appearance.Appearance.is_filled`) is set to ``True``. .. note:: Aliases: :py:attr:`Actor.color` .. warning:: If you fill a costume with an image, the image will be completely overwritten, even if `fill_color` is transparent. This behaviour may change in later releases! Examples: .. code-block:: python from miniworlds import * world = World(200,80) world.default_fill_color = (0,0, 255) t = Actor() t2 = Actor((40,0)) t2.is_filled = (0, 255, 0) t3 = Actor((80, 0)) t3.fill_colorimport as actor = (255, 0, 0) t4 = Actor((120, 0)) t4.add_costume((0,0,0)) t4.fill_color = (255, 255, 0) t5 = Actor((160, 0)) t5.add_costume("images/player.png") t5.fill_color = (255, 255, 0, 100) # image is overwritten t6 = Circle((0, 40), 20) t6.position = t6.fill_color = (255, 255, 255) t7 = Ellipse((40, 40), 40, 40) t7.fill_color = (255, 0, 255) Output: .. image:: ../_images/fill_color.png :width: 200px :alt: Set borders """ return self.costume.fill_color @fill_color.setter def fill_color(self, value): self.costume.fill(value) # Alias color = fill_color
[docs] def fill(self, value): """Set fill color for borders and lines""" self.costume.fill(value)
@property def is_filled(self): """Is actor filled with color?""" return self.costume.is_filled @is_filled.setter def is_filled(self, value): self.costume.fill(value) @property def border_color(self): """border color of actor. The border-color is a rgba value, for example (255, 0, 0) for red, (0, 255, 0) for green and (255, 0, 0, 100). If the color-value has 4 values, the last value defines the transparency: * 0: Full transparent, * 255: No transparency .. note:: You must also set :py:attr:`Actor.border` to a value > 0 Aliases: :py:attr:`Actor.stroke_color` Examples: See :py:attr:`Actor.border` """ return self.costume.border_color @border_color.setter def border_color(self, value): self.costume.border_color = value # Alias stroke_color = border_color @property def border(self): """The border-size of actor. The value is 0, if actor has no border. .. note:: You can also set border with ``costume.border`` or you can set the border with ``world.default_border`` Examples: Set border of actor: .. code-block:: from miniworlds import * world = World(210,80) world.default_border_color = (0,0, 255) world.default_border = 1 t = Actor((10,10)) # default-border and color from world t.add_costume("images/player.png") t2 = Actor ((60, 10)) # overwrites default border values t2.add_costume("images/player.png") t2.border_color = (0,255, 0) t2.border = 5 t3 = Actor ((110, 10)) # removes border t3.add_costume("images/player.png") t3.border = None Output: .. image:: ../_images/borders.png :width: 200px :alt: Set borders """ return self.costume.border @border.setter def border(self, value): self.costume.border = value @property def visible(self): return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, value): self._visible = value self.costume.visibility_changed()
[docs] def hide(self): """Hides a actor (the actor will be invisible)""" self.visible = False
[docs] def show(self): """Displays a actor ( an invisible actor will be visible)""" self.visible = True
[docs] def register(self, method: callable, force=False, name=None): """This method is used for the @register decorator. It adds a method to an object Args: method (callable): The method which should be added to the actor force: Should register forced, even if method is not handling a valid event? name: Registers method with specific name """ if ( not force and method.__name__ not in ): raise RegisterError(method.__name__, self) bound_method = actor_inspection.ActorInspection(self).bind_method(method, name) if method.__name__ == "on_setup" and not self._was_setup: self.on_setup() self._was_setup = True, self) return bound_method
[docs] def register_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method is used for the @register_message decorator. It adds a method to an object and reacts to on_message events Args: method (callable): The method which should be added to the actor force: Should register forced, even if method is not handling a valid event? name: Registers method with specific name """ def decorator(method): if "method" in kwargs: method = kwargs.pop("method") name = kwargs.pop("name") bound_method = actor_inspection.ActorInspection(self).bind_method(method, method.__name__), self, args[0]) return bound_method return decorator
[docs] def register_sensor(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method is used for the @register_sensor decorator. It adds a method to an object and reacts to on_detect_[class] events Args: method (callable): The method which should be added to the actor force: Should register forced, even if method is not handling a valid event? name: Registers method with specific name """ def decorator(method): if "method" in kwargs: method = kwargs.pop("method") name = kwargs.pop("name") bound_method = actor_inspection.ActorInspection(self).bind_method(method, method.__name__), self, args[0]) return bound_method return decorator
"""@player.on_message("burn") def burn(self, sender): if not fireplace.burning:"sounds/fireplace.wav") fireplace.switch_costume(fireplace.costume_burned) fireplace.costume.is_animated = True """
[docs] def get_local_rect(self) -> pygame.Rect: local_rect = self.position_manager.get_local_rect() return local_rect
@property def rect(self) -> pygame.Rect: """The surrounding Rectangle as pygame.Rect. The rect coordinates describes the local coordinates and depend on the camera view. Warning: If the actor is rotated, the rect vertices are not the vertices of the actor image. """ return self.position_manager.get_local_rect() def __str__(self): try: if ( and hasattr(self, "position_manager") and self.position_manager ): return f"**Actor of type [{ self.__class__.__name__}]: ID: { self.actor_id} at pos {self.position} with size {self.size}**" else: return f"**Actor of type [{ self.__class__.__name__}]: ID: { self.actor_id}**" except Exception: return f"**Actor: {self.__class__.__name__}**" @property def world(self): return self._world @world.setter def world(self, new_world): self.set_world(new_world)
[docs] def set_world(self, new_world : "world_mod.World") -> "Actor": _world_connector = new_world.get_world_connector(self) _world_connector.set_world(, new_world) return self
[docs] def new_costume(self): return
[docs] def get_costume_class(self) -> type["costume_mod.Costume"]: return
@property def image(self) -> pygame.Surface: """ The image of the actor: .. warning:: Warning: You should not directly draw on the image (with pygame functions) as the image will be reloaded during animations """ return self.costume_manager.image @property def position_manager(self): try: return self._position_manager except AttributeError: raise MissingPositionManager(self) @property def sensor_manager(self): try: return self._sensor_manager except AttributeError: raise Missingworldsensor(self) @property def costume_manager(self): return self._costume_manager @property def position(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """The position of the actor as Position(x, y)""" return self.position_manager.get_position() @position.setter def position(self, value: Tuple[float, float]): self.set_position(value)
[docs] def set_position(self, value: Tuple[float, float]): self.position_manager.set_position(value)
[docs] def get_distance_to(self, obj: Union["Actor", Tuple[float, float]]) -> float: """Gets the distance to another actor or a position Args: obj: Actor or Position Returns: float: The distance between actor (measured from to actor or position. """ return self.sensor_manager.get_distance_to(obj)
[docs] def on_shape_change(self): pass